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Is All CBD Extracted From Hemp?

cannabis cocktailS well crafted, sophisticated cannabis cocktailS well crafted, sophisticated     

No, not all CBD is extracted from hemp. CBD is found in all cannabis plants but is highest concentrated in the hemp plant. We know this might be confusing but we’re here to walk you lovely people through the details (unlike your 4th-period science class with Mrs. Pallister this will be fun—pinky swear). 

CBD is extracted from cannabis plants, meaning you can use both hemp and marijuana for extraction. Depending on which plant the CBD comes from will determine the chemical profile. Hemp-derived CBD has less than 0.3% of THC and won’t get you high. Marijuana, on the other hand, comes with significant concentrations of THC (usually upwards of 10%) which is enough to make you feel its psychoactive effects (remember when your Aunt Gwen warned you about getting high?).

How is CBD Extracted From Hemp?


There are a few ways of extracting our hero CBD from hemp. These include ethanol, oil and CO2 extraction methods. Ethanol extraction involves soaking the plant in high-grain alcohol in order to extract the CBD. Oil extraction heats and cooks the hemp plant in a carrier oil that extracts the cannabinoids. The most common method for extracting CBD from hemp is the CO2 extraction method (please don’t try this at home, kids). This process puts carbon dioxide under high pressure while keeping a low temperature. The gas is converted into a liquid and then passed through the plant material. The resulting extract is a highly concentrated, totally pure, and very lovely CBD oil.

How is Hemp Processed Into CBD?


Once the hemp is ready to be harvested (whoop), these mighty plants are put up to chill out and cure, or air dry. This process takes around 3-4 weeks to make sure the plants are nice and chillaxed. Once dried, the flowers (where you can find the strongest concentration of CBD), are stripped from the plants and then shipped to manufacturers that extract the CBD. The CBD is then used in awesome products like Flyers sparkling cocktails (go on, you know you want to try one… or 3).



How is CBD Extracted From Marijuana?


CBD is extracted from marijuana the same way as it is from hemp plants. As we mentioned, the amount of CBD from the hemp plant is significantly larger than from the marijuana plant. The other main difference is that the CBD from hemp has less than 0.3% of THC which won’t result in giving you that high feeling while the CBD from the marijuana plant contains substantial levels of THC. 

What's the Difference Between Hemp CBD Drinks and Cannabis CBD Drinks?


Cannabis CBD drinks contain more significant levels of the psychoactive compound THC. Hemp CBD drinks (like Flyers sparkling cocktails) have less than 0.3% of THC and won’t get you high. Flyers are different (dare we say, better?) from other brands on the market because they are a sophisticated and mixologist-crafted cocktail that gives you a sense of buzz, tastes exceptional and won’t leave you needing a hair of the dog (and a slice of cold pizza) the next day. You are welcome.

cannabis cocktailS well crafted, sophisticated cannabis cocktailS well crafted, sophisticated     

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